Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bus lane right

Although transport and parking Plug driver for convenience bus lines use could encourage you would be advised not good. Bus routes are designed primarily for buses, as the name implies. And drivers, which violate the laws of the bus lines will be punished. ParkingBus lane cause fines parking on a bus route in millions of dollars per year in the city of Auckland, New Zealand.It for all drivers his vehicle, illegal is it for five minutes or five hours. In New York, every resident who facing a fine.Smile route double parks in a bus is $115, you CameraTraffic cameras can record multiple driver miscues.Many cities around the world use cameras driver abused to prevent bus routes. New South whales, Australia, two cameras are used, to driver to prevent illegal in bus lanes. The first camera stores a great shot angle of the entire scene, to store the Australians during the second zoom vehicle.ExceptionsIn violator license plates, some routes at certain times of the day, such as channels advanced - .Bus hour run, bus off limits for car drivers are not fully. Drivers may new South whales to drive e.g. in 100 m, bus route, but only for the purposes of entering or exiting a street. Emergency vehicles have the right to use the bus routes.

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